Sights of Cherepovets. Attractions txhua tus neeg tuaj ncig tebchaws yuav tsum pom

Cov txheej txheem:

Sights of Cherepovets. Attractions txhua tus neeg tuaj ncig tebchaws yuav tsum pom
Sights of Cherepovets. Attractions txhua tus neeg tuaj ncig tebchaws yuav tsum pom

Yog tias koj tuaj rau hauv nroog mus ntsib cov txheeb ze, cov neeg paub, ntawm kev mus ncig ua lag luam lossis txiav txim siab mus xyuas lub nroog no rau lwm lub hom phiaj, nco ntsoov pom qhov pom ntawm Cherepovets. Muaj ntau ntawm lawv nyob ntawm no. Muaj cov chaw uas ntxim nyiam mus xyuas rau cov menyuam yaus, lwm tus tuaj yeem mus xyuas los ntawm tag nrho tsev neeg thiab muaj lub sijhawm zoo siab, txaus nyiam.

Tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm lub nroog Cherepovets - archaeological

Cherepovets attractions
Cherepovets attractions

Yog koj xav kawm ntau, mus saib cov tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm lub nroog no. Koj tuaj yeem mus ntsib txhua tus lossis ob peb.

Lub Tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm Archaeology, uas nyob ntawm Krasnaya Street, 1 B, yuav pab koj rov qab mus rau ntau pua xyoo dhau los. Koj yuav tuaj yeem pom qhov tshwj xeeb pom ntawm cov kws tshawb fawb keeb kwm yav dhau los thiab pom cov khoom siv ntawm kev ua haujlwm thiab lub neej niaj hnub siv los ntawm peb cov poj koob yawm txwv nyob deb.

Koj tuaj yeem pom cov kev tshawb pom tsis ntev los no. Yog li ntawd, nyob rau hauv 2014, lub tsev khaws puav pheej tau ntxiv nrog nthuav artifacts. Ntawm lawv yog cov cuab yeej Pob Zeb Hnub nyoog: scrapers, flint xub taub hau, horn thiab pob txha cov khoom. Koj yuav pom cov hlaws dai, pendants, tsev neegcov khoom, cov khoom seem ntawm cov nplhaib, riam phom tub rog, cov khoom uas yog cov neeg nyob hauv nruab nrab Belozerye.

Lub tsev cia puav pheej muaj kev kawm kev kawm, kev sib tham sib tham.

Txuas ntxiv kev lom zem hla lub nroog

Cherepovets Nature Tsev khaws puav pheej muaj kev taug kev tsis nco qab mus rau hauv lub ntiaj teb cov pob txha. Nws qhov kev pom kuj zoo kawg thiab. Koj yuav tuaj yeem pom kev nthuav dav paleontological pom, kawm ntau yam ntawm cov chaw no.

Qhov chaw ntawm Cherepovets
Qhov chaw ntawm Cherepovets

Lub tsev khaws puav pheej muaj ntau yam kev ncig xyuas. Ib txhia ntawm lawv yuav tham txog cov noog uas tsis tshua muaj, muaj ntau haiv neeg, qhia txog qhov kev txiav txim ntawm passerines, txog cov tsiaj nyeg tis. Koj yuav paub cov tsiaj muaj npe nyob hauv Phau Ntawv Liab, nrog hom kab.

Txhua yam no tuaj yeem pom ntawm Tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm Xwm, nyob ntawm qhov chaw nyob: Lunacharsky Avenue, tsev 32.

Ntshai canvases muaj nyob rau ntawm Art Tsev khaws puav pheej, Art Gallery ntawm E. M. Dunin.


Paj huam connoisseurs yuav tsis khuv xim mus saib lub Tsev khaws puav pheej Literary Igor Severyanin. Txawm hais tias tus kws sau paj lug yug hauv St. Petersburg, feem ntau ntawm nws lub neej tau siv nyob rau hauv Cherepovets, nyob rau hauv lub qub txeeg qub tes ntawm tus dej bank.

Cov lus dab neeg yav tsaus ntuj thiab nthuav tawm mus ncig ua si muaj nyob hauv tsev-tsev cia puav pheej ntawm Severyanin. Lub tsev Loterev (qhov no yog lub npe tiag tiag ntawm tus kws sau paj huam) yog ib yam khoom ntawm cov cuab yeej cuab tam, ib lub cim ntawm kab lis kev cai thiab keeb kwm.

Nws yuav zoo siab rau kev mus xyuas lub tsev khaws puav pheej-kwv yees ntawm Galskys, uas tseem yog thaj chaw ntawm Cherepovets.

Qhov twg yuav nthuavme Travelers

Yog tias koj mus rau lub nroog no nrog menyuam yaus, koj tuaj yeem mus ntsib lwm yam kev nyiam ntawm Cherepovets. Muaj ntau yam rau menyuam yaus no. Cov no yog tsev cia puav pheej, ua yeeb yam, chaw lom ze.

Tom qab mus saib cov menyuam yaus lub suab paj nruag ua yeeb yam "Alisa", koj yuav tawm mus rau qhov ntawd, thiab tus menyuam yuav qhia nws qhov kev xav txog qhov nws tau pom ntev. Theatre yog nyob ntawm: Sportivnaya txoj kev, 13.

Ntawm Lenina txoj kev, hauv tsev 153, muaj lwm lub tuam tsev ntawm kos duab - Children's Musical Theatre. Koj tuaj yeem saib kev ua yeeb yam uas muaj suab paj nruag thiab nkauj ntau.

Nyob hauv Children's Museum, tej hauj lwm ntawm cov tub ntxhais hluas ua yeeb yam tau nthuav tawm rau cov neeg saib kev txiav txim. Lub tsev nyob ntawm Lunacharsky Street, lub tsev 39. Tus menyuam yuav tuaj yeem qhuas cov duab kos duab tsim los ntawm nws cov phooj ywg.

People's Drama Theatre, Youth theatre of plasticity and drama "Signal", lub Ice Palace kuj tseem ceeb rau qhov chaw hauv nroog.

Kev lom zem

Sights of Cherepovets rau menyuam yaus - qhov no yog qhov chaw lom ze "Galaktika". Tuaj txog ntawm K. Belyaev Street, lub tsev naj npawb 59, koj tuaj yeem ua kev zoo siab rau kev ua koob tsheej, hnub yug ntawm tus neeg laus lossis menyuam yaus.

Galaktika muaj chav ua si rau menyuam yaus. Cov neeg laus tuaj yeem tso lawv tus menyuam mus ib ntus. Ib tus kws qhia paub txog yuav koom nrog thiab lom zem nrog nws. Cov neeg laus tuaj yeem zaum hauv lub tsev noj mov lossis ua si bowling, uas tseem nyob hauv Galaxy.

Tus me nyuam yuav tsis tshaib plab, nws yuav muab cov zaub mov tshwj xeeb rau menyuam yaus.

Saib movies thiab so kom txausntawm Royal Vio, Mori Cinema

Cherepovets rau cov me nyuam
Cherepovets rau cov me nyuam

Qhov pom ntawm Cherepovets yog cov yeeb yaj kiab hauv nroog. Ntawm no koj tuaj yeem txaus siab rau cov zaub mov qab thiab tsom iav.

Koj yuav pom Royal-Vio xinesmas ntawm Milyutina Street, lub tsev 7. Muaj chav rau saib cov yeeb yaj kiab tsis tu ncua thiab hauv 3D zoo. Koj tuaj yeem npaj daim pib ua ntej rau cov yeeb yaj kiab uas xav tau, hnub thiab sijhawm.

Ntxim qab heev uas cov xinesmas tau qhib ntau tshaj 100 xyoo dhau los - xyoo 1910. Niaj hnub no "Royal-Vio" tau hloov dhau qhov kev lees paub. Ntxiv nrog rau cov cuab yeej ua yeeb yaj kiab niaj hnub no, nws muaj kev mus xyuas 2 chav tsev - rau 41 thiab 113 lub rooj zaum, muab daim ntawv thov ua ke nrog luv nqi zoo. Lub xinesmas muab nws cov chav tsev xauj rau cov rooj sib tham, rooj sib tham, rau kev saib tus kheej.

Cinemas hauv Cherepovets suav nrog Mori Cinema nrog 7 chav nrog lub peev xwm ntawm 1011 lub rooj. Ntxiv rau 2D, 3D hom, ntawm no koj tuaj yeem saib cov yeeb yaj kiab hauv 48K hom. Lub xinesmas muaj ib lub tsev noj mov nrog 120 lub rooj noj mov European thiab Japanese cuisine.

Nyob rau hauv qhov chaw tos txais ntawm xinesmas muaj cov tshuab slots: basketball, paintball, air hockey, sib tw, dynamometer, shooters.

Lwm xinesmas hauv nroog

xinesmas hauv Cherepovets
xinesmas hauv Cherepovets

Koj tuaj yeem paub txog cov yeeb yaj kiab, kev tshuaj ntsuam ntawm "Kinomir" yog tias koj hu rau lub tshuab teb +7 (8202) 555-901. Cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws ntxiv muaj nyob ntawm: +7 (8202) 555-910. Koj tuaj yeem sau daim pib ua ntej los ntawm kev xaiv koj lub rooj zaum uas koj nyiam hauv lub tsev loj lossis me. Ces koj yuav xav tautsav tsheb mus rau qhov chaw nyob: M. Gorkogo txoj kev, tsev 40 thiab txhiv daim pib tsis pub dhau ib nrab teev ua ntej pib qhov kev sib tham. Koj tuaj yeem xaj daim pib los ntawm tus xov tooj: (8202) 555-910.

Nyob rau tib qhov chaw, ntawm M. Gorky Street, nyob rau hauv lub tsev 22 A, muaj Komsomolets - Lub Tsev Suab paj nruag thiab xinesmas. Ntxiv rau cov yeeb yaj kiab tshiab, koj tuaj yeem saib cov qub ntawm no. Lub cinema ib ntus hosts festivals thiab concerts. Koj tuaj yeem tshawb xyuas lub sijhawm ntawm cov xwm txheej los ntawm kev hu rau: (8202) 55-61-72, 55-32-65.

Architecture ntawm lub nroog ntawm Cherepovets - cov tuam tsev

Architecture ntawm lub nroog Cherepovets
Architecture ntawm lub nroog Cherepovets

Cov neeg nyiam taug kev nyob ntsiag to yuav txaus siab taug kev raws cov tuam tsev keeb kwm zoo nkauj, cov tuam tsev, cov tsev teev ntuj.

Lub Cathedral Sawv Rov Los yog lub tsev qub tshaj plaws hauv Cherepovets. Nws tau tsim los ntawm Tsoom Haiv Neeg Ntseeg Theodosius thiab Athanasius hauv 1756.

Lub tsev nyob ntawm Cathedral Hill hauv thaj tsam keeb kwm ntawm Cherepovets. Lub tuam tsev ua haujlwm, yog li koj tuaj yeem pom tsis yog nws cov vaj tsev sab nrauv xwb, tab sis kuj tuaj xyuas sab hauv.

Lub tsev teev ntuj ntawm Nativity kuj zoo siab nrog nws cov architecture. Nws lub tswb nrov yog pom los ntawm qhov deb.

Tsev lag luam

Txog tam sim no, lub nroog tau khaws ntau lub tsev qub qub uas yog ib lub tsev ntawm cov tub lag luam. Koj yuav pom cov tsev pob zeb ua hauv cov style ntawm classicism lig nyob rau hauv lub xyoo pua puv 19 yog tias koj taug kev raws Sovetskaya, Lenina, Lunacharsky thiab Pobedy txoj kev.

Tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm lub nroog Cherepovets
Tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm lub nroog Cherepovets

Koj tuaj yeem qhuas lub tsev ntoo qub yog tias koj tuaj rau Txoj Kev Soj Ntsuam. Hauv lub tsev naj npawb 22 yog lub Memori altsev-tsev cia puav pheej ntawm Vereshchagins. Lub tsev khaws puav pheej no tau mob siab rau rau tus naas ej Lavxias teb sab artist V. V. Vereshchagin. Nws yug hauv lub nroog no xyoo 1842.

Yog xav pom lub nroog hnub ci ntawm Cherepovets, tuaj ntawm no thaum lub caij ntuj sov, tom qab ntawd koj tuaj yeem qhuas cov tsev teev ntuj ci ntsa iab, qhov ci ntsa iab ntawm tus dej Sheksna. Lub nroog zoo nkauj nyob rau lwm lub sijhawm ntawm lub xyoo. Nws yog qhov zoo ntawm no nyob rau lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav, thaum ntuj tsim, thiab thaum lub caij nplooj zeeg kub, thiab lub caij ntuj no, thaum lub ru tsev ntawm lub tsev hnav khaub ncaws dawb, thiab cov ntoo thiab cov ntoo - hauv cov tsho tiv no.

Pom zoo: