Sights of Ireland - lub teb chaws ntsuab ntawm St. Patrick

Sights of Ireland - lub teb chaws ntsuab ntawm St. Patrick
Sights of Ireland - lub teb chaws ntsuab ntawm St. Patrick

Ireland yog lub tebchaws uas tsis muaj kev piav qhia, thaj chaw keeb kwm thiab cov neeg phooj ywg. Mus txog qhov ntawd, cov neeg taug kev poob rau hauv qhov chaw ntawm kev zoo thiab kev ywj pheej. Oddly txaus, tab sis lub xeev no ntawm cov teb chaws Europe tsis ntev los no tau nyiam cov neeg tuaj ncig tebchaws uasi. Yav dhau los, yuav luag tsis muaj leej twg txaus siab rau cov kab lis kev cai, cov chaw nthuav thiab zoo nkauj ntawm cov koom pheej. Niaj hnub no, qhov pom ntawm Ireland ntxim nyiam cov neeg tuaj ncig txhua hnub.

sights ntawm Ireland,
sights ntawm Ireland,

Cia peb pib nrog qhov tseeb tias txhua tus qhua yuav tsum tau mus xyuas lub ntiaj teb nto moo "cliffs" - pob zeb uas nyob rau ntawm ntug dej hiav txwv Atlantic. Lawv kuj hu ua sheer. Tsis tas li ntawd, ntau tus neeg nyiam xwm txheej yuav tsum tau mus xyuas toj roob hauv pes thiab moorlands, vim hais tias lawv tau hais nyob rau hauv tag nrho cov lus dab neeg thiab kev coj noj coj ua ntawm cov neeg qub tebchaws. Lub sights ntawm Ireland fascinate nrog lawv ntau haiv neeg, thiab txhua txhua tus neeg tuaj ncig tebchaws uasi yuav nrhiav tau ib yam dab tsi rau lawv nyiam. Nws yog tsim nyog sau cia tias qhov chaw mus xyuas tshaj plaws hauv lub tebchaws yog nws lub peev - Dublin. Qhov no yog ib lub nroog qub tshaj plawsTeb chaws Europe, uas txhais tau tias "Black Harbor". Dublin yog nplua nuj nyob rau hauv architecture zoo kawg li, thawj txoj kev (uas yog dav heev thiab cus ciav), zoo nkauj qub vaj tsev, pej xeem chaw ua si thiab squares. Nyob rau hauv lub nroog, koj tuaj yeem yooj yim mus xyuas ib lub tsev khaws puav pheej lossis chaw ua yeeb yam uas koj nyiam, saib qhov chaw nyob ntawm Askiv Viceroy ntawm Ireland, mus saib lub tsev qiv ntawv qub (Chester Beatty).

Ireland attractions
Ireland attractions

Sights of Ireland tuaj yeem tig ib tus neeg lub ntiaj teb tig mus. Lawv puv nrog keeb kwm ntawm ib lub teb chaws zoo, uas nyob rau hauv lub shortest tau lub sij hawm yog muaj peev xwm tsim ib tug zoo lub xeev, qhov twg muaj ib yam dab tsi yuav pom. Rov qab mus rau lub nroog Dublin, nws tseem tsim nyog qhia cov neeg tuaj ncig tebchaws uasi mus xyuas Trinity College, Belfast tsev loj cuj, Irish Yacht Club thiab, ntawm chav kawm, lub nroog cov duab kos duab niaj hnub. Lub teb chaws txawv txawv ntawm Ireland, uas nws qhov kev pom zoo li tsis muaj ciam teb, kuj tseem nthuav rau lub nroog qub ntawm Brou-en-Buan, uas yog nplua nuj nyob rau hauv archaeological monuments ntawm Newgrange, Knowth thiab Dowth burials.

Landmarks ntawm Ireland, Newgrange
Landmarks ntawm Ireland, Newgrange

Piv txwv li, Newgrange yog lub roob loj uas muaj nyob ntev ua ntej qhov tshwm sim ntawm Egyptian pyramids, tab sis tau pom tsuas yog nyob rau hauv lub xyoo pua puas xyoo. Ib qho xwm txheej zoo kawg nkaus ntawm lub monument thaum ub yog lub hnub ci nkag mus rau hauv lub qhov ntxa tsuas yog ib xyoos ib zaug (Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 21, hnub ntawm lub caij ntuj no solstice), thiab tsuas yog 17 feeb xwb. Lub sijhawm no, tag nrho lub qhov (uas txuas mus rau lub faus chamber) yog illuminated los ntawm lub teeb, thiabib qho txawv txawv ornament ntawm lub pob zeb nyob rau ntawd yuav pom. Lwm qhov chaw hauv tebchaws Ireland suav nrog lub nroog Cork thiab Waterford, qhov twg muaj qee yam pom. Mus ntsib Lub Nroog Donegal, koj tuaj yeem pom qhov chaw uas (raws li cov lus dab neeg) tus neeg caij nees tsis muaj taub hau tau tsiv mus.

Ireland attractions yees duab
Ireland attractions yees duab

Cov neeg ncig tebchaws yuav zoo siab nrog kev mus xyuas Aran Islands: Inishmore, Inishmaan thiab Inisheer. Ireland tuaj yeem khav ntawm ntau qhov chaw nthuav thiab qhov chaw. Attractions, cov duab uas tau nthuav tawm nyob rau hauv ntau yam ntaub ntawv kev pab, tsis tau tso ib tug indifferent. Tab sis qhov zoo tshaj plaws yog pom txhua yam ntawm koj tus kheej ob lub qhov muag, taug kev hauv thaj av zoo kawg nkaus thiab xav tias nws lub siab xav!

Pom zoo: