Ntawm qhov tseeb thiab daim duab ntawm Crocus City Hall

Cov txheej txheem:

Ntawm qhov tseeb thiab daim duab ntawm Crocus City Hall
Ntawm qhov tseeb thiab daim duab ntawm Crocus City Hall

Crocus City Hall yog kev txaus siab ntawm Russia. Nws yog multifunctional, cozy thiab xis nyob. Nws raug xaiv los ntawm ntau lub hnub qub hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws. Qhov no yog vim hais tias txhua yam yog lub xeev ntawm cov kos duab thiab ua tau raws li lub ntiaj teb no cov qauv siab tshaj plaws.

History of Creation

Lub tsev hais plaub nto moo tshaj plaws thiab nrhiav tau tshaj plaws tau tsim los ntawm Muslim Magomayev los ntawm ib tus neeg ua lag luam nto moo Lavxias teb sab.

Lub tsev tau tsim rau lub Kaum Hlis 25, 2009. Txij thaum ntawd los, ib zaug txhua ob xyoos, kev sib tw suab rau Muslim Magomayev tau tuav hauv nws phab ntsa.

Nws zoo li, vim li cas Moscow xav tau lwm lub tsev hais plaub thaum muaj "Olympic" thiab Grand Kremlin Palace? Ntxiv mus, nws qhov chaw tsis yooj yim rau feem ntau Muscovites thiab cov qhua ntawm lub peev, vim nws nyob sab nraum Moscow Ring Road. Txawm li cas los xij, nws tau tswj hwm los ua tus nyiam tshaj plaws thiab xav tau hauv lub sijhawm luv luv. Daim duab ntawm Crocus City Hall tau nthuav tawm hauv qab no. Cov neeg ua yeeb yam Lavxias nyiam npaj lawv cov concerts solo ntawm no, ntiaj teb cov hnub qub ua yeeb yam nyob ntawd.

crocus City Hall scheme
crocus City Hall scheme


Qhov kev teeb tsa ntawm Crocus City Hall yog qhov xav tau zoo heev uas muaj peev xwm ntawm ntau dua 7 txhiab tus neeg saib, nws tuaj yeem hloov mus rau hauv chav rau chamber music concerts.

Tab sis tsis yog tag nrho. Hauv qhov tshwj xeeb, lub tsev hais plaub tuaj yeem dhau los ua qhov chaw ua yeeb yam dej khov lossis lub nplhaib ntaus pob, cov koom haum koom tes thiab cov koom txoos hauv zej zog tau tuav ntawm no.

Hall plan

"Crocus City Hall" tuaj yeem ua raws li qhov siab tshaj plaws ntawm 7233 tus neeg saib. Nws muaj cov duab conical. Muaj ib lub orchestra pit nyob ze ntawm lub theem, lub grand parterre nyob rau hauv lub tam sim ntawd ib ncig ntawm lub theem, lub VIP parterre yog ntxaum, ua raws li los ntawm lub parterre, nyob rau hauv nruab nrab ntawm uas muaj ib tug console (suab lub thawv). Lub parterre yog ciam teb los ntawm VIP lub thawv, uas, nyob rau hauv lem, muab faib ua central, sab laug thiab sab xis. Lub mezzanine nyob tom qab lub khw muag khoom, tab sis nws cov thawv sab laug thiab sab xis yog coj mus rau theem. Ntu kawg yog lub sam thiaj, uas tau muab faib ua lub sam thiaj A thiab lub sam thiaj B.

Lub tsev hais plaub muaj peb theem chaw nres tsheb: hauv av, hauv av thiab saum lub ru tsev. Thaum nres tsheb, cov neeg saib tsis tas yuav mus ncig lub tsev hauv kev tshawb nrhiav ntawm lub hauv ntej nkag, koj tuaj yeem nkag mus rau sab hauv ntawm qhov chaw nres tsheb.

Yog tias koj caij tsheb ciav hlau, koj yuav tsum tau tawm ntawm qhov chaw nres tsheb Myakinino, muaj txoj kev ncaj qha mus rau lub tsev.

crocus City Hall
crocus City Hall

Crocus City Project

Txoj haujlwm no suav nrog World Exhibition Center, qhov chaw ua yeeb yam loj tshaj plaws hauv Moscow thiab Crocus City Mall, lub khw muag khoom kim heev.

Kev nqis peev hauvKev tsim kho ntawm Crocus City Hall yog kwv yees li 80 lab nyiaj daus las, txhua xyoo qhov chaw no tau txais txog 2 lab tus neeg saib, txog li 300 qhov xwm txheej hauv ib xyoos tau tuav ntawm no, suav nrog solo concerts ntawm cov hnub qub, cov rooj sib tham thiab cov rooj sib tham. Crocus City Hall qhov kev hloov pauv txhua xyoo yog kwv yees li $ 30 lab.

Lub sijhawm nws nyob, Elton John, Enrique Iglesias, Sting, Jennifer Lopez, Laura Pausini thiab ntau lwm tus tau ua yeeb yam ntawm theem.

Txhua qhov kev hais kwv txhiaj yog ib qho kev qhia ntawm qib siab tshaj plaws nrog cov teebmeem tshwj xeeb thiab lub suab zoo. Lub ntsiab feature yog qhov tseeb engineering daws teeb meem ntawm transforming concert venue and the clever layout of the Crocus City Hall.

Txhua yam tshwj xeeb yog qhov tshwm sim ntawm kev tshaj lij thiab kev tsim txiaj ntawm cov neeg ua haujlwm txawj, uas nyiam nyob hauv qhov ntxoov ntxoo.

crocus City Hall yees duab Hall
crocus City Hall yees duab Hall

Cov neeg tsim qauv ntiaj teb nto moo tau ua haujlwm rau sab hauv tshwj xeeb, thiab txhua yam khoom muaj suab nrov. Lub qab nthab zoo li lub nthwv dej kom ntseeg tau qhov tseeb ntawm lub suab. Hauv pem teb nyob rau hauv lub tsev yog tiav nrog ob hom ntuj marble, thiab txoj cai txheej tsim kom zoo acoustics. Lub chav ua haujlwm high-tech nta iav thiab ntoo ntoo, thaum lub escalator thiab ntaiv yog ua los ntawm stainless hlau.

Araz Agalarov yog tus kws tshaj lij ntawm qhov tsim los ntawm qhov chaw no, nws nkag siab txhua yam rau qhov me tshaj plaws: lub tswv yim ntawm Crocus City Hall kuj tau tsim los ntawm nws cov kev taw qhia nruj. Nws txawm delved rau hauv qhov ceev uas huab cua txav.los ntawm cov pa cua kom tsis txhob ua suab nrov rau cov neeg uas zaum hauv chav.

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